What exactly is TMJ and what does it mean to you? We often have patients say “I have TMJ” and it’s true. Nearly everyone does have TMJ – it stands for Temporomandibular Joint…it’s your jaw joint and we all have them! But, some people have pain in their TMJ – pain in their jaw. TMJD […]
Tooth Wear
Some tooth wear is normal for everyone. Abrasion can occur as a result of simple chewing if teeth are just not very strong. Or, it could be a matter of a highly acidic diet, tooth grinding during sleep or when stressed, or other habits. If your teeth show excess signs of wear, try to monitor […]
The November issue of Shape magazine reports that a study by the University of Missouri found that women who. Practice tai chi twice a week for two and a half months had less stress and more energy. Tests also showed improvements in visual and verbal memory. The flowing, meditative moves can promote flexibility, balance, and muscle […]