Porcelain Veneers in Austin, TX
Alter the color, shape, or size of your teeth for a more perfect smile. You may want to close a gap, straighten a crooked smile, correct broken front teeth, or whiten discolorations that you‘ve lived with for years. With porcelain veneers at our Austin office, changes can be made to your smile in a matter of a few weeks and the benefits of a more beautiful smile will last a lifetime.
Veneers are the ultimate in creating the smile of your dreams. A veneer is a thin piece of porcelain custom crafted to fit your tooth precisely. With your input and directions from Dr. Winters, his team of highly skilled dental artists turn a piece of porcelain into a work of art that is indistinguishable from nature.
What Are The Advantages Of Dental Veneers?
Porcelain veneers have multiple uses in dentistry. Whether it is just esthetic improvements or to do more involved changes to help straighten and align teeth, porcelain veneers can be a very long-lasting, beautiful way to improve one’s smile. An increase in confidence socially and in the workplace has helped people let their real inner self come out because they are no longer worried about their smile.
How Are Veneers Placed On The Teeth?
The process of getting porcelain veneers occurs in 3 appointments. The first is a consultation appointment where we sit down together to discuss what it is you want in your new smile. Color, shape, and arrangement will all be discussed.
The next appointment is when we will prepare your teeth for the veneers. Impressions are taken and temporaries in the shape we have previously decided upon will be placed. This is your “trial smile” where we can make any adjustments needed. It gives you an idea of what the final shape will be. Temporaries are very esthetic and most people will think they are the final product.
The final appointment is to place the actual porcelain veneers, typically about 2 weeks later. At this time the temporaries are removed and the final veneers are tried on. It is at this point where YOU tell us if we move forward or not. You check the color, shape, etc, and ONLY if you are 100% happy do we proceed and put them in. We have a short follow-up appointment a week or so later to do any final bite adjustments and to make sure all is perfect.
Are Dental Veneers Permanent?
While the porcelain veneers themselves are not permanent, the need to have them is. Let’s explain. Once Dr. Winters removes a portion of the enamel from the teeth that are to receive veneers (to make room for the veneer to sit on the tooth, yet occupy the same size as the natural tooth), this enamel removal is permanent. Enamel does not regenerate and it can’t be artificially applied.
So, once a tooth has a porcelain veneer on it, that tooth needs to have a veneer for the rest of its life. That said, most porcelain veneers have a minimum 20–25 year lifespan or longer. When the veneers covering your teeth wear out, you’ll need to have a new set of porcelain veneers placed to protect the teeth.
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Dental Veneers Before & After
Dental Veneers FAQS
Why Get Veneers?
First of all, few people “need” porcelain veneers. This is something that people typically “want”. Science has proven that your smile is one of the first and most important aspects of your appearance, as well as how you come across to others. Socially or professionally, a smile that is less than what it could be can leave a negative impression on the people around you.
Will Porcelain Veneers Appear Whiter Than The Rest Of My Teeth?
We use a shade chart to match the color of your porcelain veneers to the color of your adjacent natural teeth. Before we select that color to match, we usually like to have your teeth whitened to return them to their natural whiteness without stains. From that point forward, that will be the barometer of your tooth color.
Your new porcelain veneers will match that natural white color, and they will not stain. However, your natural teeth will stain, especially if you drink coffee or red wine, and eat certain foods. If your color becomes variable between your teeth with veneers and your other teeth, you can have whitening done on your non-veneered teeth to bring them back to match your brighter veneers.
Will Porcelain Veneers Stain Easily?
Porcelain veneers are highly resistant to staining, so they will maintain their white appearance for the long haul.
Will Dental Veneers Impact My Diet?
You can eat whatever you want with dental veneers. You should exercise some reticence when it comes to chewing bones, biting into caramel apples, and chewing ice, however, as these kinds of activities can loosen a veneer. Still, you don’t have to avoid these few foods, but it’s not a bad idea.
If I Grind My Teeth, Will That Damage My Veneers?
Teeth grinding wears down your natural teeth, and it can damage your veneers as well. The pressure created when you grind your teeth can crack veneers and it can cause them to come loose from the tooth or teeth they are applied onto. If you show signs of nightly bruxism, Dr. Winters will use his training and expertise with temporomandibular joint disorder to address your grinding. This may include the creation of night mouth guards, which you wear while you sleep to protect your teeth. A night guard would also protect your veneers.
Will My Teeth Become More Sensitive With Veneers?
Removing a small amount of the tooth enamel from the teeth receiving veneers does make them more sensitive to hot and cold initially. But this sensitivity usually passes in a few days and the teeth feel normal again.
How Long Do Dental Veneers Last?
Dental veneers, when done properly, can last 25 plus years. Unfortunately, I have redone cases that have failed for one reason or another in as few as 3 years. The determining factor is typically related to the dentists training and experience. Be sure you feel confident with your provider. Ask to see pictures of cases they have done and ask how long have they been doing this procedure.
Dr. Winters has taught hundreds of dentists since 1997 as a clinical instructor at the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies. With the number of cases he has done in his private practice combined with the ones he has helped other dentists do at the Institute, you will not find another dentist with more qualifications and experience than Dr. Winters.
What Are The Alternatives To Dental Veneers?
Porcelain Veneers are a great option for changing the aesthetic appearance of a tooth or all of your visible teeth, but they do have a minimum lifespan of 20 to 25 years. If you only have a single tooth or a couple teeth that are misshapen, badly stained, or have other issues with their appearance, you could opt to have Dr. Winters place crowns on those teeth instead of porcelain veneers. Crowns cover the entire tooth down to the gum line, so they can completely change a tooth’s appearance. But crowns are only realistic to place on one or two teeth at most.
Another alternative to placing veneers is to have Dr. Winters use dental bonding to improve your teeth’s aesthetic issues. Like veneers, bonding only makes aesthetic changes to imperfections with a tooth. Dr. Winters applies the composite resin to the tooth and sculpts it to make its appearance perfect. Bonding is a great alternative to veneers, and it is less expensive, but bonding doesn’t hold up as long. Bonding usually needs to be replaced with new resin every 5-7 years.
How Much Do Porcelain Veneers Cost?
The fee in our office is determined by the complexity of the case. Once known, we will be able to give you an exact quote.
Does Insurance Cover Dental Veneers?
Dental veneers are classified as a “cosmetic/aesthetic” procedure, so they are not covered by dental insurance.
Can You Still Get A Cavity With A Veneer On The Tooth?
As mentioned above, porcelain veneers are only cosmetic treatments. They do not address any issues with the overall health of the tooth; they simply overlay the front, visible surface and improve the appearance. Veneers don’t protect the tooth from decay at all. Most cavities form in the molars, however, and they don’t receive veneers because they are not visible teeth.
Can Porcelain Veneers Breakdown Or Smell?
Porcelain veneers can’t make your breath or mouth smell. They are made from dental porcelain, and they cannot decay. If your breath has gone south, it’s likely that your oral hygiene is lacking. If plaque and food particles are left around the edges of your veneers (remember, they only cover the front side of the tooth), that will begin the process of decay, and that will make your breath smell bad. But it’s not the veneers at fault; it’s your lack of attentive oral hygiene. Step up your twice-daily brushing for two minutes and flossing once and you should reverse the bad breath if decay hasn’t yet taken hold.
Or, you may have had veneers placed elsewhere and the fit was not precise. When that happens, there can be gaps between the veneers and the surfaces of the natural teeth. That allows bacteria to work its way in there and it will begin to emit sulfur odors when the bacteria break down the sugars left in your mouth. This will also likely lead to decay.
Schedule A Dental Veneer Consultation
The Hills Dental Spa proudly serves Austin, TX, and the surrounding areas, including West Lake Hills. To schedule an appointment for porcelain veneers in Austin, TX call us at 512-347-0044 today or fill out our contact form for more information. Dr. Kevin Winters and his talented team look forward to serving you!