One of our favorite new products is a numbing reversal compound called OraVerse. This is a local anesthesia reversal agent that accelerates the return to normal sensation and function for patients after routine dental procedures. A formulation of phentolamine mesylate, it is recommended for adults – and for children age 6 and older, and weighing 33 pounds or more. OraVerse is administered with a standard syringe in the same injection site as that used for the local anesthetic. The patients in our practice who have opted for the product after their treatment have responded well. 100% of the trials in our practice have indicated a far faster recovery from numbness. Most indicated numbness completely relieved in less than 1 hour. Some patients are offered the reversal, but decline because they don’t want to experience another injection. The thing to remember is that you certainly won’t feel the injection because you are already numb. Some patients experience soreness and slight bruise the day after treatment in the injection site. No other complaints have been expressed to us. Cost in our office is only $25, although many patients expressed that they would pay triple that amount because they loved the quick results. At your next dental appointment, ask if OraVerse will be a good option for you.