Heather was referred to me from a local television station. She had experienced a childhood of neglect and abuse. As she got older the effects of this affected the health of her mouth. It got to a point that she could no longer brush her teeth and even eating was so painful she just couldn’t. As the teeth got worse and the decay became obvious, she was the brunt of bullying in school. Soon she had no friends. Heather was referred to Dr Winters after 4 other dentists told her that at 16 years old she needed all her teeth removed and dentures placed. Dr Winters carefully evaluated her condition and decided that after 12 root canals and 28 new porcelain crowns and veneers Heather could keep her teeth and have a new, beautiful smile.
With a tear in her eye Heather said, “Thank you Dr Winters. For the first time in years I actually have a friend now.” Its not only about teeth, but the way we can impact a persons life.