All tea is good for you, but you may be surprised to learn of the benefits of these super-charged drinks:
Black tea could be slimming. It could prevent your body from absorbing fat from food, according to a study in the journal Nutrition. But drink it plain, as adding milk or sugar may inhibit the fat-fighting effect.
Chamomile calms allergies. The flavonoids in this popular nighttime tea act like antihistamines according to a study of the Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Breathe easier by having at least one cup a day during allergy season.
Green tea acts as sunscreen. It may help protect you against skin cancer, per an animal study in The Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. But still do double duty by slathering on a daily SPF 30 to keep yourself well guarded.
Hibiscus brings down bloop pressure. People who drank three 8-ounce cups of hibiscus tea per day saw their systolic blood pressure drop by 7.2 points in a study in the Journal of Nutrition.
Peppermint pumps up your workout. A study by Wheeling Jesuit University reveals that sniffing mint helped athletes run faster and perform more push-ups. Consider sprinkling fresh mint leaves on top of your steaming cup of peppermint tea.