The Hills Dental Spa is celebrating 8 years of pampering our patients! We are inviting our clients to join in our celebration by offering an 8% discount off all appointments during the month of September 2010.
That’s right, 8% off anything! All you have to do is ask. Take 8% off a massage or facial, off BriteSmile whitening or Invisalign wireless braces, even 8% off your fillings or cosmetic makeover.
If you have a treatment plan that you’ve discussed with Dr. Nemec, consider completing your treatment now, and use your insurance benefits before you lose them at the end of the year. Plus, get 8% off the total! Are you due for a checkup and dental hygiene cleaning? Call now to make your appointment in September and you’ll get an 8% discount.
Appointments are limited and this special offer is only good during the month of September, so call now to make your appointment – and get your discount!