We all know that deals and discounts are huge right now – think Groupon, Living Social, Dartz Deals and others. There are even new medical & dental discount plans, and some of these plans are actually sold and promoted by major insurance carriers. A recent article in TIME magazine told of an unfortunate story where a man purchased such a plan thinking it was insurance, only to find that his son’s near-fatal illness was not ‘covered’ and his plan merely gave him discounts from certain providers. Lawmakers are just beginning to address these problems & it may be some time now before state regulators can act to prevent deceptive marketing of these plans. If you have a dental discount plan, or if you are considering purchasing one, be wary. It’s unfortunate to admit, but many, many times, what you get from a discount plan is not always the excellence & integrity you’d want for your health care. It always feels good to get a good deal – discounts and coupons are great! But, be cautious of discount plans, especially one you have to purchase, that boast a discount every time you visit the doctor. These plans often mean the dentist has to see more patients in a day to cover their overhead, or they just can’t offer the best technologies & treatments for their patients – they can’t afford to. If you’re unsure if you need the treatment your dentist is recommending, don’t be afraid to seek a second opinion. Ask your dentist to show you photos of your teeth so you can understand the condition that needs treatment. You can even ask to see before and after photos of other patients who have received similar treatment to what is recommended for you. And don’t hesitate to ask what needs to be done for the health of your teeth, compared to what could be done for the beauty of your smile. If you want a discount, ask your doctor for one, but don’t be fooled into purchasing a dental discount plan that won’t give you what you want. The Hills Dental Spa now gives all of our patients a 10% discount if you pre-pay for your treatment at the time you schedule it. Discounts can be a very good thing – just be sure you know what you’re really getting for that lower price!